
Along with running my own organic farm and taking care of my beautiful children and animals. i have been a healer my entire life. i have experience doing psychic readings, energy work, spiritual work, personal, marriage and trauma counseling, just to name a few.

Always with the utmost respect and caring for my clients, with a unique understanding for where they are in life and wish to be from their point of view. i have been using my psychic abilities since i was a small child. One of my gifts is hearing spirit guides and delivering messages they have EXACTLY as they are given NO sugar coating or socially polite adaptions from me sorry, i am passionate about helping people move forward in life positively, to become more healthy, balanced and joyful in life. Follow your excitement! 

If you would like to book a session on any topic or there’s something you would love to heal, please send me a message and we can make an arrangement for a call. Feel free to have a look at the testimonials below. 

About me

i was born in Australia and gifted with many abilities since i was born which i have always chosen to use to help as many people as i can for the better.

i was also born physically deformed and the Doctors said i wouldn’t live (well i proved them wrong) i had a lot of major surgery as a baby and child. Which meant spending a lot of time in hospital. Luckily for me i was always due to die any day so that no one said to me things like: “your very strange or weird” or “that’s not real it’s just your imagination” or “how do you know that” or “that’s not possible” etc. etc. etc…….. So i had no idea as a child that the things i could do were special or different in any way i simply healed those who crossed my path, and the children the nurses took me to.

After many years of keeping a very low profile just working with those i came across in my life who were directed to me for help. i am now going public on this web site due to popular demand. It has been insisted upon from many sources that i make my services available to many more people. So here i am finally putting myself out there!  (i only lasted a few months on instagram as my posts were often deleted then i was banned).

i chose Lady Sunshine as a work name because Sunshine is a nick name i have been consistently given many times over by many different people through out my entire life! i also adore the sunshine!

i passionately care about nature and mankind always since a baby.

As a child i got in trouble for giving away my things, inviting strangers and vagabonds into the house for dinner, giving away our food, letting them use our bathroom and mum’s good towels (just to name a few.) Which did not go down well with my mother at all.

i was a different kind of child as i could not manage “to just be normal”. i refused to eat and drink many things i now know are toxic, my mother often complained i was being difficult or fussy. i was always rescuing injured animals of all sorts and as i grew up it was people too.

Nowadays i am very glad that i am far from what is considered “normal” as my abilities allow me to help people in profound life changing ways which i am deeply grateful for. Due to my past lives i specifically requested that i be able to practically help the people and put my hand out for decent tools. Clearly i did not account for being born naked and those tools turned out to be many abilities.

i often hear people saying they wish they were like me too. However please keep in mind that there are two sides to every coin and having these abilities 24/7 can be a burden as well, as everything in peoples lives and the world is not always rosy to say the very least. With great insight and power comes great responsibility that i feel on a deep level at all times. So it is extremely lucky for me that the wonderful joy and uplifting energy i receive for helping others makes it all worth while! 

i have had many thousands of amazing experiences on my travels and had the honor of meeting and helping many fabulous people from ALL walks of life.

i grew up in an extremely materially wealthy family that was very abusive and i ran the other way quite young, choosing compassion over false power.

i lived on the streets for a short while at 14yrs old, which was a huge eye opener and massively different to what i had grown up with and had been led to believe was true in this world (most children on the streets are safer there than at home, this needs to change a.s.a.p.) Just about EVERYTHING we are told/taught by the system is absolute lies sadly. Remember FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real. LOVE caring and sharing is the way forward into true freedom!

i had some very interesting experiences and met a lot of colorful people. My first official paying job was at McDonalds at 14 yrs old. One of my favorite jobs was driving semi trailers (big trucks). i worked for lawyers and barristers, in nursing homes, did special needs caring, worked at The Spastic Center, did heaps of Nanny work. Eventually, i gave up attempting to hold down average work (once the issues were sorted i’d move to the next job) so i faced the fact i worked for the universe which provides for me in one way or another in exchange for my service.

Doctors had always told me i could never have children so i did all the babysitting i could as a teenager and by 18 i became a nanny and loved it. Ironically days after i gave up trying to get pregnant i did.

i particularly enjoyed working at the Vets helping animals and wanted to become a Vet but it never happened.

i have lived in a lot of different places over the years constantly moving. To deal with this issue i brought a Double Decker bus when my 1st daughter was 4 years old that we lived in and traveled in.

i am a very happy mother with wonderful children whom i have great friendships with. When my 1st born daughter came home from school at 13 years old and wrapped her arms around me profusely thanking me for being such a good mum not only did it make my day and melt my heart, it made me realize i must be doing okay at being a mother after all. This happened due to what was going on with girls in her class with their mothers.

i am extremely grateful to my 1st daughter for all of her wisdom and fantastic help!!! It is thanks to her and my best friend that i now have some basic standard social skills. She was 10 and i will never forget the day she explained to me that when people say “G’day how are you going”, they are not really asking how are you going it is just a social politeness, it is a way of saying “hi” only, they don’t want an honest or detailed answer they will be happy with a “good, thanks” and a general comment like “been busy” i was very skeptical and tried it out on the next few people. i was horrified to discover that not only was she right but that my short shallow replies worked and they were happy with such an exchange. Needless to say she has filled me in on “how it is” for socially acceptable on many occasions and taught me a lot. i greatly appreciate my other 5 children also!!! It is thanks to them i am still alive as living with these abilities is amazingly rewarding it can also be devastatingly heart breaking at times. Being able to see into peoples lives can totally sucks when you just want to go out.

My beautiful children also bring the most amazing opportunities to help change peoples lives for the better which i totally love with a passion!!!

So it is my honor to be of service to you in your quest for a better life!!!!!!!!!!!

Lots of LOVE and LIGHT to you all.

Remember you are way more powerful than you have been led to believe by those who want to control this world, the power is within you!!! SHINE BRIGHT!!! BE PRO THE POSITIVE!!!

Kind Regards

Lady Sunshine

All Testimonials are Handwritten

What people say about Lady Sunshine’s sessions

“She is Absolutely Amazing…”

My Reading With Lady Sunshine

I was visiting family in a small town and found myself once again asking the universe for direction. I have seeked out many psychics in my life but Lady Sunshine came into my life without me having to look. I entered a local crystal shop and there she was, casually working away when she noticed me. Straight away she recognized that I needed help and in one conversation blew me away with her insight. I had been discussing my blood pressure earlier that morning and the first thing she said to me, before I could even begin talking, was “blood pressure”. 

I booked several sessions and gained more knowledge and help from Lady Sunshine than all my previous years of seeing mediums and psychics. The universe had answered my plea.

She is Absolutely Amazing!
All the Very Best,  Jeff 

And more testimonials…

“Thank you for helping us…”

Thank you for your honesty, integrity, and kindness you showed to us both. Not all things in life are easy or wonderful, and it’s so important that we can prepare for these battles. Thank you for helping us with our armor. Bec & Gina x x x 

“Thank you Sunshine” 

I’ve enjoyed my reading with Sunshine. Particularly spot on about my current relationship and my gorgeous children – Thank you Sunshine- 

“She was very accurate…” 

My Reading with Sunshine 31/10/14

She was very accurate, knew things that I had never told anyone about. She was very gentle. She was always on point about everything. I used to be skeptical but now I’m not. I’m glad that I bumped into her today.

It was truly amazing and more than worth it. Thank you Sunshine!

Bless you. Miss J. )i(

“…positive lady, very caring…”

Lady Sunshine and I have been talking for years: I asked Lady for healing as I suffer neck pain a lot: One session with Lady and fixed my neck for a year. I found Lady Sunshine to be spot on with all words passed. Lady can read ones voice, can tell you things – you ask yourself how… Very happy – positive lady, very careing – with lots of love & light to offer. Cheers Thank You Dearly Lady Sunshine XX Donna 

“…one of the most mind blowing things that ever happened to me…”

I’ve traveled around Australia many times. On this trip one of the most mind blowing things that ever happened to me was this conversation I just had with this random woman. She give me what she called a reading for one of me art works I sell outa me trusty old camper. She was coming out with some pretty outrageous things but they was straight up right that’s for sure. I don’t know how she knew all the things she knew about me travels, me mates, me family, me life, me art work en all. Some kind of freaky mind power thing I recon. I was happy to barter one of me art works for her. Thanks for the blast Sunshine Russ 

“…one of the most gifted people I’ve ever met…”

Sunshine would have to be one of the most gifted people I’ve ever met and that’s saying something considering all the places and fantastic people I’ve met. All my friends were dying to meet her when I told them all about how amazing she is! Thank You for all your kind support and Love xxxxoooo Jenny 🙂 

“…never believed in any of this paranormal stuff until meeting this chick.” 

Meeting Sunshine. I have never believed in any of this paranormal stuff until meeting this chick. She scared the shit out of me big time. There is NO explanation for how she knew all the things she knew about just NO way! The evening I spent with her was the most unique experience of my bloody life. She may be super weird but she is super cool too! Good on ya for keeping it real Sunshine:) B.J.X_  

“…so fortuitous to meet Lady Sunshine…”  

It was so fortuitous to meet Lady Sunshine when I did. I hate to think how things may have turned out for me and my family otherwise. I met her at a very delicate time in our lives and had she not been so open and honestly straight forward with me I very well may have made the wrong decisions regarding my families well being. Meeting Sunshine when I did was truly a gift from God! God Bless you, Thank you many times over xxx. Mrs Baxter  

“I would highly recommend her for any one…” 

The most significant experiences of my life would have to be my sessions with Lady Sunshine. She has an incredible way of dealing with emotional things so they are not so bad any more. She showed a lot of patients and understanding which was new for me in a lot of ways. I would highly recommend her for any one struggling with their own truth. She is a good person. Davy Ellingten. Thank you.  

“…she amazed and shocked me.” 

I originaly went to see Lady Sunshine for a personal reading as a good friend of mine HIGHLY recommended her. My friend was right she amazed and shocked me. Then she picked up on the problems I was having with my company (which I was not expecting) where I employ 155 staff. I was having some major disastors that could have affected the safety of other companies workers due to our product failures. As it turned out my top forman was doing drugs in the staff toilets instead of his job. My favorite office girl who got around talking to everyone turned out to be a psycho who delighted in causing issues amoung all the staff and watching the resulting showdowns. There were others that needed sorting out too but these two were the biggest surprises to me as I would never have suspected them. I never had to say a word about any of them, Sunshine would just stare past me and then start describing someone and I would say who I thought it was and between her descriptions and questions we’d work out who she was picking up on. How she could be so accurate about people she never even met is beyond me. Thanks to her amazing insight I was able to clean up my staff issues and have a smoother operation a safer factory floor happier working environment with the added bonus of a better proffit margin. Thank you from Scott 

“It worked”  

Martina is messaging me and has invited us to Dorothy’s birthday party. It worked. Thank you so much you are awesome!


“I wish I could keep her…”  

As I am a government employed prosecutor I am not at liberty to give my name. However as Lady Sunshine has helped me with my wife’s health issues successfuly and her insight into a few of my criminal cases was so helpful I was happy to provide her with a testimonial for her excellent work. Thanks to her knowing insight I was able to find a third person invoved in a multiple murder that was not on our radar previously. I was able to produce fresh evidence  to free an innocent man from gaol on a false rape charge. I also had written down some questions that she suggested I ask in a particular case that swung the verdict my way in the end. Sunshine shone a light on many cases I had unanswerable questions about and cleared up many of my curiosities I had about certain clients supposed truths. I wish I could keep her in my brief case when at work how much easier my job would be. It is a shame I am not able to legally employ her to help out with cases, I checked and it was a big no way. Needless to say our justice system leaves a lot to be desired.

“Lady Sunshine is Phenomenal” 

One of the first times I spoke to her she described a little girl I had dreamt of that morning, blew my mind because I never told anyone. Sometime later I was having alot of disruptions in my life and relationships falling apart at the same time, so I came to her for help.  During the session she helped me understand the origins of my ailments and stress, and together canceled any contracts made on my soul without my knowledge or consent throughout all time, all space and all dimensions. Within a day all my physical symptoms disappeared and my creativity returned. I use her self protection method daily. Thank you Sunshine


“Her abilities are more than what we can imagine”  

I don’t think getting the chance to be treated by Lady Sunshine was a coincidence. I was away on a trip and prayed a lot around 10 days before my session. When I came back home I found out that during that period of prayers, my family started with her. Although I always had an idea there’s something wrong with us and went to many healers, but what she did and told us was way beyond the knowledge of all the healers I came across. Her abilities are more than what we can imagine, and I’m sure it’s not something one can just learn about, but should be the power from the Creator. 

“She is the real deal” 

My healing session with Lady Sunshine was super powerful. She is a gifted compassionate healer. She gave me lots of tools/excercises and insights as she was doing the energy work on me. Her intuitive feedback was super accurate. Been just a few days after the session I am noticing how my chronic insomnia and digestive issues are almost gone. I am curious to see more changes. I highly recommend her work. She is the real deal.

“Ruthlessly honest” 

Thank you Sunshine, you say it just how it is to the point.

“…I never knew such abilities could exist…”  

Dear Lady Sunshine,

Just a note to thank you again for being in such great service, I never knew such abilities could exist in a person, with your true honesty and great knowledge you are truly gifted and a bliss to all of us.

Love and Light


“I have seen immediate changes…”


My experience with Lady Sunshine…

We met at the right time for he right reasons she has shown me the utmost kindness and respect, and her voice of truth has been a guiding light in my life. I feel and sense her presence wherever I am now, and she has astral visited me several times. She has taught me about Common Law vs. Maritime law, which I knew nothing about at the time. I have seen immediate changes not only in my life but also in my life’s ability to create for myself and others. What she has done for me the most is shown me the visualization and direct experience of white light. I have not only been able to see and do this for myself, but also in others and a whole community of people I work with in residential treatment. Both in myself and others I have seen instant changes of energy. She truly is an embodiment of love and light, which I am eternally grateful for. You have become an incredible friend, mentor, and sister on the path. Thank you Lady Sunshine 🙂

Love and light, 

Chris C. USA


“… never met someone so special” 

If you meet someone like Lady Sunshine you are very blessed. I have never met someone like her, being so honest and truthful about life, about me and she has really helped me finding the best version of myself. We have become great friends after the session she did. A wonderful pineal gland healing. In return I offered to build her website and give her a workshop ‘Create Your Future’. We have spoken many times about a righteous way to live on Earth, in harmony with nature and all its wonderful creatures. Lady Sunshine is the best you could wish for if you want to heal something. Thank you sooo much for being who you are. 

Love and light, Jorinde

Book a session

A personal one on one reading is totally confidential and can bring you great peace of mind and solid answers when you want them, with love and understanding, for where you are at in life and where you want to be.

Gain insight into your life and beyond with a personal reading.

* Do you have questions no one seems to be able to answer?
* Would you like some meaningful direction?
* Are you searching for the truth?
* Do you have some issues you’d like dealt with?

I look forward to helping you and being of service!

Choose a session