Building a place where we live in harmony with nature.


Healthy Valleys

Our Vision

 Happy Healthy Valleys is a place where you can enjoy the natural beauty of nature, relax, and be healed. On this farm we strive to create all man made improvements to be in harmony with holistic and natural ways as it is in nature.
Lady Sunshine is building this beautiful area in Tasmania, in service to humanity. She was born with a rare physical deformity; however, she survived the surgeries. No one on this planet has survived these surgeries prior and she is the first to keep living. She was also born with many natural abilities,  her PASSION is helping others to heal and move forward in life positively.  She has great purpose and a pure vision to share with the world with the inception of Happy Healthy Valleys. If this project sounds like something that you would like to be a part of, we encourage you to connect with us to help make this happen. Many hands make light work! Our vision is to create organic and natural ecosystems and ways of self sustainable community living, spanning around the world for everyone to live in



 i Lady Sunshine believe WW3 is really an opportunity for win win win!  For people to live in harmony with nature, the animals and each other = a win for our Divine Creator/Great Spirit & the People/Animals & Gaia/Mother Nature!!!

Avoid the Anti trick, where thoughts/feelings go energy flows to, be wise with your precious powerful energy and be Pro the Positive!!!



The Valley

This is the general outline for the property on 40 acres in Tasmania!

The front end of the business will be 3 restaurants ALL paddock to plate / farm to table with the property producing all the produce. All separate kitchens so no issues with cross contamination!

  1. A steakhouse all types of meats
  2. Vegetarian
  3. Vegan

Separate and combination dinning so everyone can enjoy their chosen culinary delights either in their chosen meal zone OR in the mixed dining area.

Adjoining the mixed dinning there will be a large wooden dance floor and stage that can be opened right up in summer built in a large oval shape.  open stone wood fires for winter. Underfloor heating via the wood fires thermostat controlled.

The main use of the property will be an edible food forest of great diversity, including medicinal herbs, beautifully incorporating healthy round housing utilizing the natural resources on the property. As described in Buildings.

The Buildings

ALL future buildings will be all natural using materials off the property. For example: Cob (mud pie) rammed earth, stone and rocks, hempcrete, wood etc. The property has a large amount of trees on it.

Built with the natural increments so that even the buildings have healing benefits! With a feeling of calmness and well-being about them. With lots of natural light. Solar passive designed for natural heating in winter.

A healing village with separate zones for detoxification and parasite elimination, immune system rebuilding, and full body immune system reconditioning.

Permanent staff may live on the property with their housing, food, power, heating and water supplied to them in exchange for their labor and skills. They will be paid a percentage  of the farms Net profits. Some times of the year will be busy and other times there will be more down time.

Organic Biodynamic Principles

All produce will be organic (NO synthetic/man made chemicals at all) animals will be used instead of petro chemical machines. Pigs for tractors, chickens for tilling, draft horses for heavy work etc. All food will be grown to be fully nutritious with advanced techniques used for water and soils to gain maximum bio available nutrients in the FOOD. It will be run using Organic Bio dynamic principles in a permaculture style with self supporting and sustaining systems within the whole. Some examples:

  • Wind breaks for protection
  • Contours for optimal water use
  • Companion planting and stocking
  • Mixed use areas
  • Water tanks on ALL buildings
  • Vertical growth stock feeds, like edible bushes, vines and shrubs.
  • Full range of herbs in animal paddocks for self medication facilitating optimal health

The use of things from ancient knowledge such as stone towers for attracting natural magnetic s to help with optimal plant growth, re-mineralization of soils, and energetically balanced structured water will be incorporated into the whole design!

Help this project grow

Are you passionate about good health, organic food and wanting to live in harmony with nature? If YES then we invite you to help us with this exciting project. All participation from a donation to full time farm work is greatly appreciated! Thank you! Please feel free to send us an email if you would like to be involved in some way with this wonderful opportunity. Thank you so much! Use English Please or include a translation to English.


If you would like to support our ideas and the development of Happy Healthy Valleys then we invite YOU to Please donate now. With your help this project can flourish! THANK YOU!

Lady Sunshine Organics

We will produce true organic food for the benefit of humanity and the environment under the label Lady Sunshine Organics.


Are you ready for a retreat, please know that you are very welcome in Happy Healthy Valleys to renew your energy levels and heal yourself with pure clean foods, clean spring water,  healing sessions and the nature you are surrounded with.

The wonders of nature are boundless

Visit us

Would you like to help us with the land and connect with us live? We would love to show you around and tell you about our plans for the future and hear your ideas.

     i am extremely GRATEFUL to be living in such a lovely part of the world.   

i have always loved nature and being in nature, i love to luxuriate in its harmony and peace. We have been TV & radio free for over 30 years. My children are born at home and home schooled outside of the system.

Being connected with naturally balanced natural environments is SO much better for our health, well being and our souls. i have worked helping people become cancer free for over 25 years now for free. i have been an organic farmer for 20 years, i love growing organic food and collecting seed to save & share. i breed/train draft horses, milking goats, pigs, dogs and many other animals. i have wanted to build and live in a food forest with a community village that is smoothly intertwined with Mother Nature all of my life. i have worked hard for many years, buying terrible properties and renovating them with my own hands to sell and reinvest in the next property. My whole life i have been very passionate about helping others! i choose to use the abilities i was born with for good, to help people, animals & plants move forward in life positively! Pay it forward is one of my favorite activities/concepts! My goal is for many happy, healthy, sharing people to LIVE in the beautiful perfection of nature in TRUE FREEDOM and PEACE ❣️ outside of “their” control system by revitalizing the knowledge of living in the private utilizing Private Trusts. This 40 acre property is our opportunity to do this! It is a starting stepping stone to amazing Happy Healthy Valleys all over the world!

With Love,

Lady Sunshine

We are looking forward to your help with this organic farm

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